Important Stuff

Before you begin the course on Monday, October 21st:

  • If you have a Facebook account, join our private Facebook group where we will explore each week's topics together (please allow up to 24 hours for acceptance into the group.)
  • Please know that there are no live components to this course, so if you miss a week, you can always access the content later as it will be available indefinitely.
  • Weekly reminders will be emailed to you early Monday mornings Eastern Time for the duration of the course, prompting you to log in and watch the weekly videos, audio and practice the weekly meditation and mantras

In this course, you will explore:

  • How does a basic meditation practice work, and how does maintaining a consistent practice benefit your wellbeing and ability to open your heart?
  • What are some ways you can fully embody love?
  • What is the importance of exploring the different ways "love" is defined in our culture?
  • How can we benefit others by learning to judge less and empathize more?
  • How can a mantra practice help us detach from unhealthy thought patterns and unearth our true hearts? 
  • What are some practices to cultivate self-worthiness and love within ourselves?
  • How can we serve and love others through befriending our own weaknesses?

What's included in the course?

  • A weekly article from Ram Dass to introduce you to the practices for the week.
  • A weekly mantra and meditation that will support the theme of the week.
  • Access to a private exclusive Facebook group geared specifically towards the topics discussed in this course. In recognizing that community plays a pivotal role in our inner growth, we offer the opportunity for you to expand your boundaries and explore these topics with other spiritually-minded individuals.
  • You will also have access to direct downloads for the weekly meditations, articles and mantras, as well as a downloadable transcript so you can save your favorite quotes and excerpts.

Still have questions?

Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and I will assist you in any way I can!

Support Free Courses

At the Love Serve Remember Foundation we are committed to preserving and continuing the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass and our family of wisdom keepers. Every donation on behalf of this course goes directly towards supporting the foundation and our efforts to continue to promote and preserve these wisdom teachings for future generations. We are a non-profit organization, so we rely solely on donations and support from our community to continue to offer the majority of our teachings completely free.

Use the form below or text 'alchemy' to 91999 and chip in our suggested donation of $9 to support this free course, which helps us to create more offerings like this in the future.

Thank you for your support!

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